About Project
Developing Ecotourism Network in the Black Sea Region
ECOTOUR-NET project has been conducted since 02.04.2019 and is supported by the “European Union ENI Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020”.
The overall objective of the Project is to contribute the development and diversification of ecotourism activities, taking care of natural and cultural resources “protection & use” balance in order to improve the welfare of the people in the Black Sea Basin.
Sile District Governorship is the Lead Partner and the below institutions are local partners of the project:
- Regional Development Agency of Zaporizhzhya Region – Ukraine
- Municipality of Xanthi – Greece
- Foundation Caucasus – Georgia
- Municipality of Byala – Bulgaria
The project has a two-year implementation period, the aim is to improve Eco tour¬ism, which provides significant contributions in terms of income and employment in the Black Sea Region. The great natural and cultural variety as well as the high potential of the Region, allows for developing and extending the tourism activities all over the year. In order to increase the average overnight stay of foreigners in the region, which is below the international average, it is necessary to expand tourism products and services.
Within this scope, it is aimed to diversify the activities which is currently limited to specific routes and themes for foreign visitors this is in line with the natural and cultural potentials of the region. To increase tourism revenues and visitor numbers, a variety of ecotourism activity routes and locations will be created. 18 routes and 48 locations will be brought out with the contribution of all partners. After the small scale investments, there will be 10 cycling, 6 hiking, 2 educational routes also it will include 4 bird watching, 32 recreational, 10 photo bank and 2 local product locations ready for performing activities.
In Zaporizhzhya region the folloving routs were developed after the field studies:
One day excursion cycling tour
starting point – Zaporizhzhya (multicultural centre The House of Max Grant) to Khortytsia island – Distance 30 km. Zaporizhzhya – Rehabilitation Park of National Academy Khortytsia Island (Scythian kurgan tombs, photo zone from Altanka, master class) – Open Air Khortytsia Museum (Zaporizhzhia Sich – decorations from the historic film Taras Bulba) – Lunch, rest area (national motives) – Zaporizhzhia multicultural cen¬tre The House of Max Grant) • 12 recreational areas on the cycling routes.
Two day excursion cycling tour
starting point – Zaporizhzhya (multicultural centre The House of Max Grant); finishing point Gelendgik village – Distance 160 km. Zaporizhzhya – Khortytsya island - Vil¬nyanski Waterfalls - Natalovka village – Ivanna-Anovka village (waterfall) - My¬hailo-Lukashevo village (reservoir, crafts¬man) – Antonovka district (afternoon tea, visiting bee-garden, the culture of beekeeping, crafts ) – Gelendgik village, ekological ethnic park, reservoir , fishing, Manor house “Dyvosvit” (inclusive ecolog¬ical programs, master-class, overnight stay, meal) – landscape parks and Stud Farm Novomykolaivsky region.
The title of the programme:
Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020
Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 is co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument and by the participating countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine.
This content has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Şile District Governorship and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.