About Project
Developing Ecotourism Network in the Black Sea Region
The overall objective of BSB 79 ECOTOUR-NET, which has been conducted since 02 April 2019 within the scope of the first call for proposals of the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2004-2020, where the Directorate for EU Affairs, Directorate General of Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation acts as the national authority, is to develop and diversify the ecotourism by considering the balance of conservation and use of natural and cultural resources in the program region to contribute to the disadvantaged groups for a higher share of tourism revenues.
While Şile District Governorship is the leading partner in the project, institutions from the following countries are the local partners of the project;
+ Municipality of Byala – Bulgaria
+ Municipality of Xanthi – Greece
+ Zaporizhzhya Regional Development Agency – Ukraine
+ Foundation Caucasian + Environment – Georgia
+ Municipality of Byala – Bulgaria
+ Municipality of Xanthi – Greece
+ Zaporizhzhya Regional Development Agency – Ukraine
+ Foundation Caucasian + Environment – Georgia
18 trails and 48 locations in 5 regions will be brought out with the contribution of all partner organizations in the project. With the necessary infrastructure and signage works, 10 bicycle trails, 6 hiking trails, 2 training tour trails, 4 bird watching towers, 32 recreation spots, 10 photo benches and 2 local product sales points will be established.
The Kick off Meeting, which was held as the first joint event within the scope of the project, was held on 23-24 May 2019 in Şile, hosted by the Şile District Governorship. As part of the works initiated in the Mercanköşk meeting room of the Şile Gardens Hotel, all partners made presentations about their organizations and ecotourism potential and activities in their regions. After the introductions, further presentations were shared and detailed complementary discussions were held with the participants on the general project design, the 24-month project activities and the activities to be carried out in the first 6 months prepared by the project coordinator.
With the project, which has a two-year implementation period, it is aimed to develop ecotourism, which makes great contributions to the Black Sea Region in terms of income and employment, in direct proportion to the high potential of the region. The duration of stay of tourists preferring the region is below the international average. One of the most important instruments to achieve an increase in the duration of stay is the diversification of tourism products and services and the extension of tourism activities throughout the year. With the project, the natural and cultural potential of the region is revealed and certain ecotourism trails and locations are determined for visitors.
Within the scope of the field studies encompassing the first six months of the project, 2 bicycle trails and 2 hiking trails, 2 birdwatching towers, 6 sets of recreation furniture, 10 photo benches and 2 local producer booth areas are set up around Şile district.
In addition to the languages of the project partners, more tourists will be able to benefit from ecotourism activities more efficiently through the web portal and mobile application that will broadcast in English. The region will be promoted with the travel guide and route maps to be printed and the promotional film to be shot.
In order to strengthen relations between countries, each partner will ensure that other partners participate in local and authentic festivals organized in their region, together with their own local products. The representatives of the partner institutions will again try to increase the success of the project with mutual study visits. In the last quarter of the project, with the interesting tour program workshop for tourism agencies to be held in Greece, the visibility, recognition and joint & integrated marketing of alternative tourism types developed in the region will be ensured by travel agencies.
The title of the programme:
Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020
Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 is co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument and by the participating countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine.
This content has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Şile District Governorship and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.