Tsachkhuri Monastery-Tsachkhuri (Khirzeni) Waterfall Eco-Educational Trail
Posted by : GEadmin@ecotournet.net on 20.May.21
Last update by : GEadmin@ecotournet.net on 28.Oct.21
Tsachkhuri Monastery Tsachkhuri (Khirzeni) Waterfall Eco-Educational Trail
Length: 1.3 Kilometres
About 30 minutes at an average pace
Tsachkhuri Eco-Educational Trail
Municipality: Martvili.
Recommended time for travel: April-October.
Type: Hiking trail.
Difficulty: Easy.
Length: 1.3 km from Tsachkhuri Church to Tkhopra Waterfall.
Estimated time of travel: 30 minutes.
Minimum/maximum/average height: 579/658/610 above sea level.
Total length of uphill/downhill: 130/130 meters.
Coverage of cellular network: Available in most zones.
Availability of drinking and technical water: one spring is located on the trail.
The surface of the trail leading to Tsachkhuri Waterfall is the limestone. When the trail wet, visitors must apply maximum caution to avoid injuries.
Tsachkhuri (Khirzeni) hiking eco-educational trail was selected in the village of Tsachkhuri, in community of Martvili municipality, on the slope of Khirzeni, where the Tsachkhuri Archangel Church and Monastery are located. The starting point of the trail is the area adjacent to the church and the final destination is Tsachkhuri Waterfall. The surface of the trail is the limestone.
A recreational area has been selected near the church, where visitors will be able to have picnic at the well-arranged and equipped area. The presented eco-educational trail is also intended for schoolchildren, who will visit the historicalcultural monument, as well as the waterfall and observe the biodiversity of the area. The selected section allows the visitors to visit the areas adjacent to the trail, which is important for environmental education. In the vicinity of the Archangel Church of Tsachkhuri the visitors can view various geographical objects, which are important for eco-educational purposes.
Tsachkhuri (Khirzeni) hiking eco-educational trail was selected in the village of Tsachkhuri, in Salkhino community of Martvili municipality, on the slope of Khirzeni, where the Tsachkhuri Archangel Church and Monastery are located. The starting point of the trail is the area adjacent to the church and the final destination is Tsachkhuri Waterfall. The length of the trail is 1.3 kilometers, starting at 579 meters above sea level and rising to 658 meters, with an average elevation of 610 meters above sea level. The average inclination of trail is 17.2%.
Tsachkhuri Waterfall
The surface of the trail is the limestone. A recreational area has been selected near the church, where visitors will be able to have picnic at the well-arranged and equipped area. The presented eco-educational trail is also intended for schoolchildren, who will visit the historical-cultural monument, as well as the waterfall and observe the biodiversity of the area.
The selected section allows the visitors to visit the areas adjacent to the trail, which is important for environmental education. In the vicinity of the Archangel Church of Tsachkhuri the visitors can view various geographical objects, which are important for ecoeducational purposes. Considering the above issues, the trail will be popular for educational purposes and will host a large number of visitors each year.
Height and difficulty profile of the eco-educational trail
Information on Tsachkhuri Monastery-Tsachkhuri (Khirzeni) Waterfall Eco-Educational Trail
Tsachkuri eco-educational trail is designed for students and other interested public. This trail gives the possibility to see the diverse of the landscapes along the trail and to learn about the biodiversity of adjust area. Trail crosses the forests of rich biodiversity. Deciduous forest ecosystem is a good example to show students the interaction of biocenosis species composition and environmental factors. In the forests will be explained differences between micro, meso and macro ecosystems. Across the walking path there are areas of the habitats of Caucasus endemic species of flora and fauna and some species of the Red List, about this will be informed rout participants.
In the target area of the rout grow the Red list species Boxwood Colchis (Buxus colchica) which is subtropical evergreen plant covered by Neckera moss. Now a day this plant is on the verge of extinction because it was harmed by pests. Scientists have not been able to find any means against this pest yet. So eco educational trail gives possibility youth and students to raise awareness about the endemic and the Red Lists species of the Mengrelain Flora and Fauna and to know the importance of the conservation activities for saving this species. Also, education about the climate change and expected impact on the forestsecosystem will be explained during the exploring eco educational trail.
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